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Is SAPI regulated?
Written by Tahia Miah
Updated over a year ago

SAPI is not authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to offer regulated credit agreements as a lender. We are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme and the Financial Ombudsman Service will not be able to consider complaints about us.

It's important to note that SAPI currently provides unregulated financing products. These products are a form of receivables finance, not a loan.

Whether you receive a regulated or unregulated loan depends on your business type and the loan amount you request, and its regulatory status will be made explicit by lenders.

Generally, regulated loans are provided to sole traders and partnerships with fewer than four partners requesting loans up to £25,000. For all other business types, including sole traders and partnerships with fewer than four partners requesting loans exceeding £25,000, unregulated loan types will be issued.

SAPI's product may not be suitable for all businesses, and other credit options could be available to you. If you are unsure if this is right for you, independent advice should be sought.

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